What you need to know when shipping your car to Cyprus
Your primary consideration will be in regard to the timing of your shipment, compared to your arrival time and does your arrival in Cyprus represent your transfer of 'normal residence' from the UK to Cyprus.
When transferring your normal residence to Cyprus you are permitted to import one motor vehicle into the country exempt from duty and tax provided the following criteria is met;
- You must have owned and used the vehicle in the UK for a period of at least six months before transferring your residence to Cyprus.
- The vehicle must be imported within 12 months of you transferring your normal residence to Cyprus.
- The vehicle must be in 'Free Circulation' in the UK prior to shipment.
You may also be required to produce documentary evidence to Cypriot customs in relation to both your transfer of residence and in regard to ownership of your vehicle such as:
- Contract of sale or rent of your residence in the UK and for your new residence in Cyprus.
- Evidence of employment both in the UK and Cyprus
- The vehicle registration document, insurance certificate, invoice or receipt covering purchase of the vehicle.
- Proof of the vehicles shipment and arrival such as bill of lading that we will provide following departure of your vehicle from the UK.
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Vehicle shipping
What options are available when your car arrives in Cyprus
There are two options available when importing your car into Cyprus. We have provided details of each of these options and how they differ when your vehicle arrives. If you require further assistance or require any clarification on any of the points detailed below, do not hesitate to get in contact with us and one of our trained members of staff will be happy to help you out.
Option 1 - Temporary Import
If you want to have immediate use of your vehicle once you arrive in Cyprus you may want to import your vehicle on a temporary basis. This will allow you to use your vehicle on its existing registration plates for a period of up to six months, during which time will be required to permanently import and register your vehicle.
- Your vehicles V5 (Licence documentation)
- Your driver's licence
- Evidence of insurance to drive your vehicle on Cypriot roads
- A copy of the Bill of Lading that we will provide to you ahead of your vehicles arrival
Option 2 - Permanent Import
Too permanently import your vehicle and to apply for relief of reductions from import duty you must present the below documentation to Cypriot customs:
- The V5 for your vehicle
- Your driver's licence
- Evidence of insurance to drive your vehicle on Cypriot roads
- Customs form T2L this is a customs document that we generate prior to export from the UK and will be provided before your vehicle arrives in Cyprus
If you initially imported your vehicle arrives in Cyprus via the temporary import scheme you will also be required to present customs form C1040 to customs together with the above documentation.
On successful application you will be issued with a C72A to be presented with your vehicle to the Inland Transport Department to be registered.
Registration of your car while in Cyprus
No matter which option you choose to import your vehicle arrives you cannot register your car until permanent importation has been granted and customs have issued you with the customs form C72A. To register your car you will then need to submit the C72A form along with the current Vehicle Registration (V5) document to the District Vehicle Examination Centre of the Road Transport Department (RTD) who will issue you with a certificate confirming your vehicles Co2 emissions.
Once issued with a Co2 certificate your vehicle will need to pass an examination to prove its roadworthiness (similar to a UK MOT) at an RTD authorised vehicle examination centre.
Once you have acquired the certificate you will need to submit all the documentation back to the District Vehicle Examination Centre of the RTD to apply for your vehicle to be registered. The registration process should take around two to three days and you should expect to pay a fee of about EUR150 for your documentation to be certified and the registration process. In addition to this you will also have to pay registration tax and road tax to your vehicle in Cyprus.
Requirements for car shipping to Cyprus
Before moving your car to Cyprus you must first consider reading, ‘TRANSFER OF NORMAL RESIDENCE FROM ANOTHER EUROPEAN UNION MEMBER-STATE (EEC) 915/83’ you will find this information very useful when planning your move from the UK. We can assist you in keeping track of the documents needed when exporting to Cyprus. If you will need an agent in Cyprus to clear your car then we can supply you with one.
Some of the documentation that we will require while shipping is:
- V5C (or title document) for the vehicle
- Photo page of the consignees passport
- Purchase/Sales invoice of the vehicle
To make sure that everything moves forward smoothly we have put together a page on Car Shipping Documentation that will guide you through what is required and the reasons that it is needed.
Paying Local fees
Keep in mind that you may have to pay additional charges once you have reached you destination such as clearance, customs, duties and taxes. You can check out our International Customs and Excise Duties page to find more specific details or you can Contact us and one of our professional members of staff will be able to help.