Before shipping anything overseas, it is strongly advisable that you check the customs duties, laws, and requirements for your chosen destination. Find out what your responsibility is before your goods are shipped. Forewarned is forearmed, as you will have charges to pay for goods entering the country. Every country varies, and different laws will be applicable.
When shipping overseas you will be required to pay charges to have your goods cleared through customs, you will also have to pay for DTHC (Destination Terminal Handling Charge), unloading (devanning), warfage, duties and taxes (if you are a returning resident, then duties and taxes may not be applicable).
You can click on the links provided on the table for Customs Duties and Excise information for your chosen Country of import. Please visit this link if your country isn't listed. Please note that when you are shipping your vehicle anywhere overseas from the UK, any import duties, taxes or customs and duties restrictions are your responsibility and are not included in any shipping costs provided by us.
You can use this handy Import Duty Calculator to get a good estimation of what you will have to pay.
We have an extensive list of professional and reputable Agents in many countries that can offer further advice and will handle the customs clearance and all documentation on your behalf (they will charge you a nominal fee for their services).
If you need any more information about anything to do with international car shipping then don't hesitate in giving us a call and speaking to one of our very helpful and friendly members of staff who will be able to help you with any questions that you may have. You can contact us today either by phoning or emailing us, which is listed below on our contact sheet, along with other methods. We look forward to hearing from you.
Click the Country for Overseas Customs Links for vehicle shipping | |
Australia | www.customs.gov.au |
Belgium | www.fiscus.fgov.be |
Canada | www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca |
China | www.customs.gov.cn |
Denmark | www.toldskat.dk |
Finland | www.tulli.fi |
France | www.douane.gouv.fr |
Germany | www.zoll-d.de |
Hong Kong | www.info.gov.hk |
India | www.cbec.gov.in |
Indonesia | www.beacukai.go.id |
Italy | www.agenziadogane.it |
Japan | www.customs.go.jp |
Malaysia | www.customs.gov.my |
Netherlands | www.belastingdienst.nl |
Norway | www.toll.no |
New Zealand | www.customs.govt.nz |
Portugal | www.dgaiec.min-financas.pt |
South Africa | www.sars.gov.za |
Spain | www.aeat.es |
Sweden | www.tullverket.se |
Switzerland | www.zoll.admin.ch |
Thailand | www.customs.go.th |
UK | www.hmrc.gov.uk |
USA | www.cbp.gov |
Vietnam | www.customs.gov.vn/ |